Monday, May 10, 2010

Boards from last week

A 5'10'' knee board. 24.5 inches wide. I have not knee boarded in a while, 20 years, so I think I will give it a go. I really like the Wegg Model. I have not been riding one lately due to all the new models, the alaias and Bluegills, but after making this one, going to Japan, I am reminded of the loose rail to rail action, off the lips and cutbacks The Wegg does so well.

This alaia is a 6'10'' Stuth and going to Sean. He has been working on the "Hydrodynamica" movie and has been motivated to get into the slide.

11'00 Model A. This is a Tom Wegener design that I shape for Jacobs Surfboards. Most of thes have been 10' to 11' and get a lot of good feedback. They are great for trimming and nose riding. Often, we put nose, tail blocks, and large wood glass on fins.


  1. that kneelo looks Freakin Sweet! A pocket pig for sure...

    Hit up Will.P for Legit Knee Pads...

    I gotta get some rides on that beauty. : )

